Practical information

School hours

Students are generally expected to arrive at school by 8:40am, when classes begin according to the schedule. Parents of children in grades 1–3 who need to bring their children to school earlier due to work must apply for special permission. Parents who wish to use this service should apply at the school office.


The school office is open from 8:10am to 3pm. The phone number is 411 7300 and the email address is
Soffía Dröfn Halldórsdóttir is the Head of Office.

School drop-off zones

Parents driving their children to school should use the drop-off zones on the north side of the school. Only staff members are permitted to use the parking lots on the west side of the school in the mornings.

Phone use

The use of phones and smart devices by students is not permitted during school hours. Phones must be turned off and kept in students’ school bags.